
Lockdown Sports: Easier but Burn More Calories than Running?

Lockdown makes you lazy? Lockdown wants you to fail your workout routine? Here is an effective option to fight against it. While jump rope is a portable tool you can easily get, believe it or not, the simple act of jumping rope can be more effective than the same time spent running! 

Both running and jumping rope are good cardiovascular exercises which help to not only burn calories, but also to improve and maintain your cardiovascular health. Yet, if you are searching for a more efficient way that brings huge changes in a shorter time, jump rope will be your choice.

👉🏻 Burn More Calories

A study led by John A. Baker at Arizona State University has gathered 92 male students to investigate the effects of running and jumping rope on cardiovascular fitness. Being divided into two groups, one group of students skipped 10-minute a day while the other jogged 30-minute a day. Six weeks later, they were administered the Harvard step test  to measure data they made before and after the test. Results showed that a 30-minute jog has an equal level of improvement in the cardiovascular efficiency to a 10-minute rope jumping.

For instance, a person who weighs 180lbs does 10-minute of fast jump rope is estimated to have burnt 163 calories. Meanwhile, considering the same amount of time for running (5mph, 12min mile) will have probably burnt 108 calories. Can you imagine what changes could have been brought to your body with such huge differences? You definitely don’t want to miss the chance to witness such change!  

Calculate calories you have burned here!

👉🏻 Consume Less Time

Baker, who viewed jumping rope as an alternative for those who are not able to do other exercises like running due to time and location restriction, added on recommending jump rope as a less time consuming exercise. Despite being less time consuming, it has no less effects on building our endurance.

👉🏻 Exercise your full body 

Apart from that, jump rope allows you to target different parts of your body during training, depending on the styles of jump you do. Jeremiah Maestre, a boxer and trainer at Rumble Boxing in New York city says, “Jumping rope benefits your full body, from your lower body to upper body and core — depending on what jump rope drills youchoose, you may feel it more so in your shoulder and calves”. Then, you can plan your training on jump ropes in accordance with your preferences of which body parts to train with. 

So what’s the point for just sitting at your home or laying on your sofa? This alternative to jogging that shows better results but consumes the same period of time. Fight against those excuses and grab your rope to start now!






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